Mês: julho 2010

  • Hoje à noite grande anúncio pessoal público… 😀

  • Kudos para @ericksencosta e @nwerneck que responderam dizendo que o meu tweet era by Mark Granovetter 🙂

  • São os vínculos fracos que mais contribuem para nosso alcance social.

  • Wow! The residents have just released a new album! http://miud.in/8G2

  • Galera reunida para 1 janta juntos…

  • Eduardo Maçan shared a link.

    Home | AlwaysOn It's with great excitement that we introduce the eighth annual AlwaysOn Global 250 top private companies. The AlwaysOn Global 250 represent the top emerging companies in the Global Silicon Valley that are demonstrating significant market traction and pursuing game-changing technologies in on-demand …

  • Just built and run my “Hello world” for android. Sweet! 😀