A inteligência se soma, a estupidez se multiplica.
A inteligência se soma, a estupidez se multiplica. — Eduardo Maçan (@eduardomacan) Sep 7, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/eduardomacan September 07, 2021 at 10:55AM
The effects of human stupidity seem to accumulate faster than what acts of human intelligence are able to compensate for, like Tetris.
The effects of human stupidity seem to accumulate faster than what acts of human intelligence are able to compensate for, like Tetris. — Eduardo Maçan (@eduardomacan) Sep 6, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/eduardomacan September 06, 2021 at 11:11AM
Nomes de negócios que eu daria: vol 3. https://t.co/Vq0wCz6LfA
Nomes de negócios que eu daria: vol 3. https://t.co/Vq0wCz6LfA — Eduardo Maçan (@eduardomacan) Sep 5, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/eduardomacan September 05, 2021 at 02:44PM
Probably the last revolution in pop music. Something truly innovative might pop up in the coming decades, but I’m not holding my breath. https://t.co/4a4mK9PleN https://t.co/4a4mK9PleN
Probably the last revolution in pop music. Something truly innovative might pop up in the coming decades, but I’m not holding my breath. https://t.co/4a4mK9PleN https://t.co/4a4mK9PleN — Eduardo Maçan (@eduardomacan) Aug 31, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/eduardomacan August 31, 2021 at 08:31AM
Happy 30th birthday, Linux. You’ve been my operating system of choice for the last 28 years and there’s a good chance you’ll still be for the next 30.
Happy 30th birthday, Linux. You’ve been my operating system of choice for the last 28 years and there’s a good chance you’ll still be for the next 30. — Eduardo Maçan (@eduardomacan) Aug 26, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/eduardomacan August 25, 2021 at 09:15PM
https://t.co/LM3PMdgX5M — Eduardo Maçan (@eduardomacan) Aug 22, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/eduardomacan August 22, 2021 at 01:50PM