Como saber se uma pessoa é do interior de SP ou da capital? Pela palavra “perda”: “Mesmo que eu perca a perda não será grande” = Capital. “Mesmo que eu perda a perca não será grande” = interior. (Ouvi do @MaxGehringer )
Como saber se uma pessoa é do interior de SP ou da capital? Pela palavra “perda”: “Mesmo que eu perca a perda não será grande” = Capital. “Mesmo que eu perda a perca não será grande” = interior. (Ouvi do @MaxGehringer ) — Eduardo Maçan (@eduardomacan) Sep 29, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/eduardomacan September 29, 2021…
A feast for the ears https://t.co/kbUfM8bfWU
A feast for the ears https://t.co/kbUfM8bfWU — Eduardo Maçan (@eduardomacan) Sep 26, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/eduardomacan September 26, 2021 at 05:38PM
It looks like I was almost invited as a speaker in Mexico in 2003? I didn’t know it! ☺️ It makes me think of how unfortunately long it’s been since I last met @bdalegarbe. I think it was in Porto Alegre in 2010 😳 https://t.co/QtEpXM5MpL
It looks like I was almost invited as a speaker in Mexico in 2003? I didn’t know it! ☺️ It makes me think of how unfortunately long it’s been since I last met @bdalegarbe. I think it was in Porto Alegre in 2010 😳 https://t.co/QtEpXM5MpL — Eduardo Maçan (@eduardomacan) Sep 18, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/eduardomacan…
Although the beginning of my carreer was programming an MSX computer as a kid, I had tons of fun on the brazilian Sinclair ZX80 and Spectrum clones too! (long live the Z80 processor!) Let’s take a moment to celebrate the memory of this computing legend. https://t.co/S0bHXGBtNT
Although the beginning of my carreer was programming an MSX computer as a kid, I had tons of fun on the brazilian Sinclair ZX80 and Spectrum clones too! (long live the Z80 processor!) Let’s take a moment to celebrate the memory of this computing legend. https://t.co/S0bHXGBtNT — Eduardo Maçan (@eduardomacan) Sep 17, 2021 from Twitter…
Agora virou oficialmente projeto comemorativo para os 25 anos do lançamento. Obrigado @novateceditora ! (vejam a thread) 🙂 https://t.co/P0hvGsQtfx
Agora virou oficialmente projeto comemorativo para os 25 anos do lançamento. Obrigado @novateceditora ! (vejam a thread) 🙂 https://t.co/P0hvGsQtfx — Eduardo Maçan (@eduardomacan) Sep 9, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/eduardomacan September 09, 2021 at 09:32AM
O cartão de crédito chega a pular da carteira sozinho! https://t.co/GA4qs2ObOH
O cartão de crédito chega a pular da carteira sozinho! https://t.co/GA4qs2ObOH — Eduardo Maçan (@eduardomacan) Sep 8, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/eduardomacan September 08, 2021 at 07:56PM