• I haven’t seen this much symbolism coming from Britain since Pink Floyd released the “Another Brick in The Wall” video.

  • Hoje é dia de Santo Ubaldo de Gubbio. Ver essa festa ao vivo está no meu “bucket list” 🙂

  • Tem alguém aqui viajando da Alemanha 🇩🇪️ para o Brasil 🇧🇷️ nos próximos 2 meses? 🙂

  • One of the best songs ever written, according to music critic Eduardo Maçan. I just love the way the tension and dissonance in the arrangement of the sad parts of the song (the love of my life/she left me one day…) resolve into the beautiful vocal harmony of the chorus (still I have the warmth…

  • Eduardo Maçan shared a post.

  • Checked in at Boulangerie Carioca

    Checked in at Boulangerie Carioca.